pühapäev, 31. juuli 2016


27/12/2015 Seli-Sillaotsa nature trail, Estonia

Photos: Kerly

When nature tuus is calling - this is how it looks like! Second Christmas holiday and no snow, but a great tuus!

pühapäev, 24. juuli 2016


24/12/2015 home, Tartu, Estonia

Photo: Kerly

Another great tuus gem! Pulling one, when the others can't see :) What a great Christmas present!

pühapäev, 17. juuli 2016


10/10/2015 N099 washroom, Tallinn, Estonia

Photos: Kerly

I have been tuusing at this tuus washroom before. It is at the hip theatre NO99. I was participating at Estonian Animal Protection Foundations Christmas party and went to freshen myself and then decided to pull a tuus too :)

pühapäev, 10. juuli 2016


10/10/2015 Rummu quarry, Estonia vol. 2

Photos: Kerly

This is the funniest tuus, as we were pulling the series at least of 10 tuus' a group of people started to approach the site where we ere at. Some gave up, some laughed (a big no, when tuusing!) some stayed strong! Thank you for the experience :)

pühapäev, 3. juuli 2016


10/10/2015 Rummu quarry, Estonia vol. 1

Photos: Kerly

I love when the group of people can be put togeher to pull tuus. In here people from different countries and areas and ages are all brought together for this wonderful event of tuusing in the nature!

More to come....!!!