pühapäev, 27. september 2015


24/12/2014 home, Tartu, Estonia

Photo: Kerly

Merry tuuschristmas!

pühapäev, 20. september 2015


24/12/2014 home, Tartu, Estonia

Photos: Kerly

It is getting the end of the year. Snow is on the ground. Elves are on the move ;) It is official - it is Christmas Eve! Time to celebrate it with tuus!

To be continued...

pühapäev, 13. september 2015


2/12/2014 Lähte Gymnasium, Lähte, Estonia

Photos: Kerly

I taught my co-worker tuus. I think she did okay for the first time, though she has to work on that smile though :P

pühapäev, 6. september 2015


23/11/2014 hostel, Pärnu, Estonia

Photo: Kerly

By Green Villa and not so snowy Pärnu. Toothpick tuus!