pühapäev, 26. oktoober 2014


10/8/2014 forest, Võrumaa, Estonia

Photo: Kerly

Half tuus and very tuus. In the forest, deep in the forest. Cool!

pühapäev, 19. oktoober 2014


2/8/2014 street, Pärnu, Estonia

Photo: Kerly

Silvi, original tuusmaster gangster in Pärnu. With another tuusmaster from Tartu.

pühapäev, 12. oktoober 2014


23/7/2014 street, Pärnu, Estonia

Vol. 2

Photos: Kerly

Oh boy, it pays to be tuus in Pärnu, especially in summer. Car tuus is going on.

Be sure to check the guy in green shirt in the background, Kadri's ballet step and passing people on the right.

pühapäev, 5. oktoober 2014


7/5/2011 Savonlinna fort, Finland

Photo: Aivar

Cannon ball is the way to be tuus. 

Greetings from Savonlinna!